Let’s crisp up some EASY LouWe.siana style oven roasted Brussel sprouts! As promised, NO backstory and NO fluff, just the recipe. If you need the seasoning, click the links below to have them shipped straight to your door. ENJOY!


  • Brussel Sprouts

  • Olive Oil

  • LouWe.siana Blends Cajun Salt


  1. Set the oven to 450°

  2. Wash and cut the Brussel sprouts in half.

  3. Toss halves in olive oil and Cajun Salt

  4. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper and lay Brussel sprout halves cut side down.

  5. Bake for 20 minutes.

  6. Top with more Cajun Salt to taste. ENJOY!

So quick and easy! These Brussel sprouts have it all. They are crispy, spicy, and healthy. And, as always, you can add more Cajun Salt at the end for more heat!